Manila Ocean Park Is A Family-Friendly Destination You Can Visit All Year Round

Hey Folks! Do you know this song? "Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl. The girl who has everything?" Ring any bells? Oh, no! It's not one of Ariana Grande's songs but she can surely create beautiful and unique cover of it on YouTube. Come on '90s babies I'm sure you know this. Without a doubt, your kids have heard this so many times. Okay, how about this one? "Under the sea, under the sea. Darling it's better, down where it's wetter. Take it from me. Up on the shore they work all day. Out in the sun they slave away. While we devotin', full time to floatin'. Under the sea." Any guesses? Yeah, you got it! Seems we have a lot of Disney fans today. Am I right? Me too! The first song is "Part of Your World" and the second is "Under the Sea". Both are from the 1989 American animated mu...