Southwinds Resort, Laguna: Not my ordinary out of town

      We headed South. So here I am again, it's my fourth entry on my blog. I know this is kinda late but I just wanna share my really not so usual out of town with my colleagues. Yes, it was really not. I had a fever and cough that time. I also remember, we were in the midst of a storm coming straight ahead Manila, there were downpours and it was really windy. We had planned it for a month, originally we were four then became roughly ten but because of this typhoon we ended five survivors. Nothing really beats those were prepared and all set.

After shift at work. So we were the original four(from left to right: Me, Ise, Clarisse, at the back: Kaye) who planned it and where is Uela here? Well she was off to the office that time to meet us. We just bought "something to chew on" in a convenience store while waiting. Everyone was like graced under pressure. Am I right?

Welcome to Southwinds Resort, Laguna! Ok, so we arrived safe and sound. It took us roughly almost an hour rode on a very cold bus of  DLTB. I didn't feel there was a storm that time, it's really windy though and clouds were not so dark. What I felt was my fever and cough. That was really owh dilemma! I was not sure if I'm going to swim or just stay in the cottage. Anyhow, when we went there it was really a very cool place and clean, seems it was brand new. As I expected, there were only few people. Yes, there was a storm, only few jumped into the pool. So going forward, here are our other pictures taken inside. Enjoy!

Our Something to Chew On! These were the foods we ate from morning til evening, we spent 12 hours there, it was not a lot, just enough for five of us. So we had chopped tomatoes and salted eggs mixed, roasted chicken. Plus as usual junk foods, soda, alcoholic drinks, etc.

 High Five to Us! So we were completed here, from morning when we were still fresh until evening when everyone was cockeyed. ¥oung? Wild and Totally Drunk!

Swimming Time! We enjoyed the water, it was not cold. We swam from 2 feet to 5 feet. Every pool was clean though.

The Slide and Uela(she was the one missing on the 1st pic) We really forgot the time, we never thought it was almost dark, we just continued swimming and enjoyed the warm water.

From workmates to close friends. It was normal in an office you get to know a lot of people which your colleagues but not all you get to know more than their names, their schedules, their usual perfumes, not all. It's a good thing that this whirlwind experience allowed me to build friendships. I took risk to go even if there was a storm, I had fever and cough. This out of town was not really my usual but this helped me to know my friends more and me as well to them. I should say there were silverlinings. To sum it all up, what we do, expect you will learn after. 

FYI! Ok, so Pansol, Laguna is really known for different private pools, public resorts and hotsprings. Southwinds Resort, this was my first time here, it's beyond I expected. Very clean pools. This is really a must try especially if you're just in Metro Manila. Plus entrance fee is very cheap it was like less than P100 per adult. You might wanna check their facebook for more details.  Southwinds-Resort-Pansol-Laguna 


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