Ayala Triangle Gardens, Makati City: Glimpse Of 2016 'Festival Of Lights'

"Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room and heaven and nature sing. And heaven and nature sing. And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing. Well, for sure not only heaven and nature are singing but many of us. Aren't you feeling the holiday vibe yet? Not only Santa Claus is doing his "Ho-ho-ho!" but also kids preparing their straw bags and getting ready to collect gifts from Godparents. There's really a lot of happening this season. One is, what do you think? Party today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Plus a never ending gift-giving. It's indeed a season to be jolly, get drunk, and get broke. Right? 
Fast forward, this busiest month of the year will push you to appreciate more your restday. It's like every second counts. It's like you wouldn't wanna miss what's buzzing the town. Somewhat, you would want to go outside instead of sleeping on your couch. Like what I said, there's a lot of happening this season and definitely only for this season. One example, lights and sound show in Makati. I'm so sorry for my readers outside Manila and The Philippines if you can't relate but I know you have a very beautiful 'christmas show' in your place too. It was last week  when I went there alone. 
Ayala Triangle Gardens 'Festival of Lights' in Makati is a much awaited show opened on November 15. It's on their 6th year of wowing Filipinos mostly employees working in Ayala, central business district of Makati. Due to every night traffic jam, its kinda stressful to go here especially if you're from north and the main mode of transportation is mrt 3(metro rail transit). Goodluck to you. I'm lucky enough living in Makati. I can travel here by jeepney(Filipinos affordable mode of transportation). There were years I took it for granted. Sadly, it's my 2nd year to witness this. Again, it didn't fail me. Only one word I can say. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
Warning! What you will see are lights! Stunning lights! 


Hello everyone! If you're looking for a relief. Then kill that stress by visiting this fantastic show. It's set to run until January 8, 2017 daily from 6pm to 10pm. If you're living near Makati or Manila. Let's go here tonight! Make sure if you're wearing shorts bring insect/mosquito repellents. It's garden anyway so expect it's a bit itchy. Have fun! I might go here again. See you there!


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