Discover Divisoria - Bargain Hunt At The Philippines Shopping Mecca

It's January 2017 now for sure your 13th month pay already lost in space. Where did you use it? In the Philippines indeed everyone will agree that one of the best things you can get as a hardworking employee is the so-called 13th month salary benefit. Am I correct? By the term itself it's the value of your basic salary per month. But definitely it will be prorated if you were hired in the middle of the calendar year or you spent less than 12 months in your company. Usually that can be withdrawn in your debit card last week of November or first until second week of December. In short, it's raining Peso in the country every December. Sadly, thieves too. There are a lot of things Filipinos do with their money. Either they save it, pay for different bills, additional payment to their newly bought dream home or the usual shopping. I think I forgot one? Pretty much most of us are using it as budget for the holiday. Like many, I also use it to buy gifts or ingredients for our Filipino dishes on Noche Buena and Media Noche. Do you know what's one of the best places on earth to buy gifts and spend your 13th month pay? That's Divisoria in Manila aka The Philippine Shopping Mecca. Well not to splash all of your cash but you only get this once a year so why not take advantage for a 1 day bargain hunt. Right? Just to share too. I love shopping and I love buying things that are cheap but somewhat have quality like branded overrun clothes. 
For bargain hunters and wholesale buyers. As I mentioned, Divisoria is truly a haven for us. Although I did not buy a lot when I was there I still got the proof that my money was well spent.
From raw materials to finished goods you can buy it at rock-bottom prices. I know you're excited go here especially if you're leaving in Manila which is usually 1 or 2 jeepney rides only from your place but there are advices I would like to share to you guys. You may already heard this but as everyone knows Divisoria is really not that safe place. You may still encounter thieves so to be secured. Act as if you don't have money! So wear just simple clothes, as much as possible don't bring gadgets, don't wear your watch or earrings. Just a canvas tote eco bags for your purchases and coin purse or small bag where you can put your paper money are okay. Since it gets crowded by noon especially every holiday season I don't recommend you to bring your kids with you or if you're pregnant, it would be better to stay at home for now. Sorry but it's not the perfect place if you have claustrophobia but if you want to face it then feel free but make sure to bring bottled water you might get exhausted. Just in case I missed an advice don't worry experience is the best teacher. You can use it on your next visit.

So I bought a wall clock for the new year. And you know how much? For 120 pesos (roughly $2.50). The great thing is when you buy it wholesale(minimum of 3 pieces) you can get it for 100 pesos each(roughly $2.00).

What's unique about Divisoria because most of the malls have names like 999 and 168. Catchy right? So we bought "christmas" led lights for 150 pesos per box(roughly $3.00).

Divisoria gets crowded as hour goes by not only because of the sea of humanity but also because of the sea of beautiful clothes, curtains, shoes, etc. Well this place will not be word-of-mouth if not because of these. For only 100-150pesos(roughly $2.00) you can buy a lovely dress.

Unlike in Mall when you buy branded short the price starts at 500pesos(roughly $10.00) but in Divisoria although what you see most of the time are fake branded items that amount will give you 4-6 shorts. Amazing?

BINGO Cards for only 130pesos(roughly $2.50) one of Filipino favorite past times.

This is totally bargain! This wallet when you buy online it costs 250pesos each($5.00) but I only bought it 60pesos each(roughly $1.10). Wow!

One of my hobbies is cooking. I can say it's also a great place for kitchen tools. I bought a steamer for only 550pesos(roughly $11.00) but in Malls it's like a thousand. 

I had so much fun buying gifts but that made me really hungry after that several walks. In Divisoria you can see also a lot of our chinese businessmen and businesswomen friends since it's inside Binondo Manila, the world's oldest Chinatown. I'm so in love with Chinese food so I chose to stand in the line while my mom and my sister were at the Filipino fastfood.

Can you give me 3 dozens of dumplings please?

Yummy! Although eating in Chinese fastfood is a bit pricey it's worth it.

Our Divisoria bargain hunt is a very challenging experience yet it's pushing you to go back. I highly recommend to go here early 8-9 in the morning and during weekdays. A van or car is a must if you will buy a lot. I can guaranty you will gonna love this place too. 


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